Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Shhhh.. he forgot today is father's day


Anonymous said...

Hi Liza, it's me. Glad to have found you back.Habis ganti lappy jadi bookmarks pada hilang.
I used to like mowing as well. Happy fathers day buat Indy and happy working juga ya.
M di B

DuaEs Mommy said...

It's easy to find me since I stop to move the blog here and there hehe..
Indy enjoy everything about gardening, he was pagalung before, that's why :o)

Irma EM.Rheza said...

Asli Super Dad...Kalo sj Mas Erwin serajin Indy..

DuaEs Mommy said...

Kalo mas Erwin serajin Indy, namanya bukan mas Erwin lagi tapi Mas Indy hahahaha.. Becanda, well disana kan kalo nyuruh orang bayarnya murah, kalo disini muahallll makanya karena gak mampu bayar orang kita ngerjain sendiri aja

Anonymous said...

kasihan indy pasti menyesal tuh ngawinin bininya.....heuheuheu.
eh, mungkin aja dia sengaja mowing krn biar nggak denger suara bininya.....:D

mohon maaf lahir batin ya jeung

DuaEs Mommy said...
