Saturday, October 24, 2009


Today, I let Sofana read about our story how I met her Daddy 10 year ago and how we arrived in Canada 6 years ago (she said good things you wrote it in English ^_^ )

This year I didnt get any flower as usual, but 4 of us celebrated together at Ajessi our most favourite restaurant in town.

Thinking about the flashback, how God arranged this in our life.. when he decided to meet me in Indonesia and after 2 years we decided to married to start our new life with all the 'ups and downs'. Today, thanks to God we are still together.. of course still with the 'ups and downs' which is make us more stronger to keep our faith that we can do it.. Insya Allah.. Aminnnn.


Sil Frebrian said...

happy anniversary...ternyata, krn ini toh kmr gak jadi dateng...hehehe. pdhl kmr sy desperate langsung cabut ke mississauga. udh sore sih, cuma ke TNT borong belanjaan dan ke rmh della.

DuaEs Mommy said...

Sil, kemarin kelamaan di Bazaar.. kirain sepi ternyata lumayan rame jadi banyak acara haha-hihi dulu.. well, next time deh..

Anonymous said...

Selamat utk Liza dan Indy. Smg bahagia dan rukun selalu. tira.

DuaEs Mommy said...

Makasih Ra, udah balik lagi ya ?? kangen euyyyy..

Anonymous said...

Tawwa, masih ingat kapan pertama ketemu. Sy sdh lupa. Tgl meritku sj sy lupa. Untung tgl ultah kita bertiga masih diingat (thanks to hp's reminder. hehehe..)

DuaEs Mommy said...

Rin, sengaja banyak tanggal yang diingat biar dapat kadonya juga sering hahaha..