Friday, January 08, 2010

Daddy's Birthday

Daddy's B'day

Daddy's birthday today, we surprised him in early morning with the cake and the gift. Me and the girls make lots of effort to make this happened. We did a secret trip last night to buy the cake, etc., and I have to tell the girls not to spoiled the secret.. we did it !!

Happy Birthday Daddy
We wish all the best for you and hope you like the gift ^_^


linae said...

happy belated birthday, Indy. maaf telat ngucapinnya, klupaan, hiks... moga sehat selalu dalam lindungan Nya, sukses juga buat studio nya ;)
btw, foto² hasil jepretannya keren² loh...

DuaEs Mommy said...

Indy bilang thank you, lagi butuh banyak do'a katanya hehehe..